

I'm interested in building machines capable of reasoning and cognition

I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Allen Institute for AI working with Yejin Choi in the Mosaic team. Prior to this, I received my PhD in Computer Science from Seoul National University, advised by Gunhee Kim.

My research goal is to enhance machine's ability to reason and process social information, such as theory of mind, and to develop systems that are socially competent and responsible. To achieve this, I explore two key directions: optimizing inference-time algorithms to make the most of existing models, and synthesizing large-scale data to address areas where models currently fall short.

Recent News

  • Mar 2024 - Gave an invited talk at the UPenn NLP group seminar about theory of mind and AI.
  • Feb 2024 - Gave an invited talk at Google about our recent work on contextual privacy.
  • Jan 2024 - Confaide has been accepted at ICLR 2024 as spotlight.
  • Dec 2023 - 🏆 SODA won the Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP.
  • Dec 2023 - I gave an invited talk at the BrainLink symposium.
  • Nov 2023 - SODA and FANToM are selected for oral presentation at EMNLP.
  • Oct 2023 - We released FANToM and ConfAIde benchmark. GPT-4 struggles with social reasoning!
  • Aug 2023 - I won the Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award from Seoul National University CSE.

Publications (* equal contribution)

Honors & Awards

About Me

I always love to go taste delicious food. Please let me know if you know some great places to visit! I also enjoy watching Formula One. My favorite driver is Carlos Sainz. Smooooth operatorrrr.

In case you are looking for my original blog, where I used to write posts in Korean, it's here.

Photo credit: Sebastin Santy